Not sure whether you agree, but a sophisticated design with fine details might not be the best option for a billboard advertisement.
This is because you need to catch the attention of the moving vehicles within 1-2 seconds at a glance.
Therefore, advertisers have to think out of the box, go for something standout, or even something really ugly from the design perspective. Yes, like this.
The rule of thumb? Go for something as simple as possible. Not convinced? Check out some of the eye-catching billboard designs we have compiled below.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Koleston Naturals
This Koleston Naturals billboard was placed on a roadside cliff to capture the variations of this beautiful scene during different phases of day/night, reflecting the variety of colors that the brand offers.
See, I can draw the sky…
The Economist
Motion-activated billboard by The Economist.
Johnnie Walker
There’s a reason why Johnnie walks. Don’t drink and drive.
It’s never too cold for ice cream.
Real-time weather report. 100% accurate.
This billboard, for a job-seeking platform ADORIO, was published on the same day Joe Biden was declared the 46th president-elect of the United States.
Country of Santa Clara
Only in Silicon Valley.
Dyson bends the city.