Growing a YouTube channel is so challenging like starting a new business, there are just so many parameters before you get good traction on YouTube.
The closest type of business that I can relate to running a YouTube channel is the restaurant. There are so many similarities that we are going to list in this article.
If you get all the ingredients right, your YouTube channel can be the goose that lay the golden eggs, just like these rich YouTubers.
1. Chef = Content Creator
Just like the chef to a restaurant, the content creator is the mastermind behind a YouTube channel, which requires personality, creativity and dedication to be successful.
Be it Western or Japanese food, it will be best for YouTube creators to focus on the genre or category he or she is most familiar with.
2. Recipe = Content
Video content is the soul of any YouTube channel, just like the food recipe to a restaurant. You can open another Chinese restaurant but you need to have your own star dishes.
You can’t just copy exactly the content by others even for a similar topic. You need to have your own style, creativity and identity.
3. Opening Hours = Publishing Frequency
As a restaurateur, you have to be consistent with your opening hours otherwise your customers will be disappointed if they are visiting you on an unscheduled off day.
Producing content requires similar discipline too, you might want to plan and schedule at least 1 or 2 content weekly in the long run. Without such commitment, you stand little chance of success on YouTube.
4. Returning Customers = Subscribers
Returning customers is very crucial for any restaurant business, subscribers are just like your returning customers on YouTube.
Why would people subscribe to your YouTube channel? This is very much down to good content, how you differentiate from others, just like going back to a restaurant for the food you are craving.
5. Location = Target Audience
This is the question to ask yourself, do you want to be a mom-and-pop or chain restaurant? Your channel is just like a local store if your content is only targeting your own country.
If you have a dream like McDonald’s, you can plan and produce content to cater to the global audience. If you think global, and if you succeed, your AdSense revenue will be sizeable too.